
From piano solo to computer generated sound installations to big band composing. For years I worked as the house pianist of a major theater in Vienna, playing hundreds of late night gigs at the Red Bar (Volkstheater Wien). I composed some works for an electronically extended jazz big band. My computer generated interactive sound installations were put on stage at the Weltmuseum in Vienna and in Asia accompanying dance performances.

Here would be space to put some of my music… an original of mine, Today is Brooklyn. If you prefer “professional” music, skip this please, do not listen to it. The big band version was recorded without proper rehearsing time, no sound check, etc. Still the soloists sound really great! The spoken poetry was sampled from Amiri Baraka.
The solo piano version was recorded using a mobile recorder. It was not edited or mastered at all. The grand piano was a great instrument, not perfectly regulated but still a great instrument to play. Also this recording was not prepared in perfection, it is largely improvised. So as said before… if you expect “professional” music you should not listen to these recordings.

Today is Brooklyn, Big Band Version

Today is Brooklyn, piano solo